Declared state of emergency in the Transport sector in Kogi State now:
“Kogi State shared boundaries with Nine other states in Nigeria, including the federal capital Territory. Investment in the transport sector can not be a waste, as it will create employment, generate revenue and provide services to the citizens.
“Unfortunately in Kogi State, the transport sector is being left in the hands of the private sector, making the people helpless. The workers, the children and several other citizens find it difficult to get to their place of work , even worship centers, business places.
“The situation is worrisome. Research have shown that an average of ten thousand vehicles passes through Kogi State. Yet Kogi State government doesn’t have a single vehicle on the commercial fleet. the state have no airport and no air transportation.
“Despite the location of the God given River Niger and Benue in Kogi State, and the yearly flood that ravage the state, water transportation has been neglected over the years since the creation 32 years ago.
“We call on the present administration achievement in Kogi State to take a critical look at the transportation sectors in the state.”
Idris Miliki Abdul, Executive Director Conscience for human rights and Conflicts Resolution ( CHRCR).